Executive Committee Meetings

The Executive Committee meets normally on the second Thursday of each month at the Mana Cruising Club (upstairs) commencing at 7.15pm. Everyone is most welcome to attend these meetings.

The Meeting Schedule for 2024 is:

8 February, 14 March, 11 April, 9 May, 13 June, 25 July (11 July meeting postponed), 29 August (AGM), 12 September, 10 October, 14 November and 12 December.

AGM 2023

This year's AGM was held on 16 August at the Mana Cruising Club. Mayor Anita Baker gave the keynote presentation covering a wide range of topics impacting Porirua and local residents. The presentation was well received with questions from the residents present.

The 2022 AGM minutes were passed without modification, the annual financial report was discussed and accepted. It was agreed that subscriptions for 2023 would be retained at $10 per household. The key points of the annual report were presented.. A PDF copy of the annual report can be downloaded below.

Eight current members of the executive committee were re-elected, together with a new member, which is one more than the minimum of 8 required under the Association's rules. Existing committee member Francesse Middleton, our current Treasurer, was unable to stand for election. Selection of officers will take place at our next Committee Meeting on 14 September.


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